Welcome to PID Network Germany

Persistent identifiers (PID) are an essential part of an open scientific landscape in the digital age. The unique identification of all resources, actors and products of the scientific research process makes it more transparent and, above all, more networked.
PIDs are unique alphanumeric codes that generally function as links and are linked to descriptive information (metadata) about the resources. The PID Competence Centre of the TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology offers further, comprehensive information on PID. We have summarised 10 use cases in which the allocation and use of PIDs and the suitable PID systems for each case are explained.

This website is provided by the DFG-funded project "PID Network Germany - Network for the Promotion of Persistent Identifiers in Science and Culture". We also share news about the development, application and implementation of PIDs via the mailing list "PID Dialog" and our social media channels on Mastodon and LinkedIn. We would be delighted if you followed us there.
